Progress Report!

Hey guys!

Another report here, lets see what's been happening this past week.

Things I've changed/completed:

  • 3 out of 5 enemies are done and have been added to the roster.  The last two will be harder/require more detail to make, due to them being story related. One being the boss you're going to be facing at the end of the chapter and the other a "hell spawn".
  • Made slight changes to the dialogue here and there but, I mean, not like it matters to you guys since you've not played it yet and you won't know if it has been changed or not...sigh.

Things I'm working on/will work on over the next week:

  • Hopefully, finishing the remaining two enemies. Adding them in, removing the place holder enemies and adding boss mechanics.

Final notes:

Thank you!...Not much else to say, really. Check back next week I guess. Peace out!

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