Progress report!

Hey guys, back with yet another one of these ;D. Lets get started!

Things that I've added/completed this past week:

  • Story events are done! Finally!
  • Added 10 more maps. With this I now have all maps done for Chapter 1 as well.

Things I've changed:

Made some changes to the lighting, this was to make the last area look and feel more creepy. More on this below. 

Things I'm going to be working on starting next week:

  • Julias corruption scene. I've already started on it though. Going to try and finish it up.
  • Start working on drawing a few desert themed enemies. 

Final notes:

Now, as I mentioned above. I made changes to my lighting and this fucked some shit up. Changing core settings doesn't get applied to your current save file. This, I didn't know at the time so after I made the changes I started working on the last area for chapter 1. Once it was complete and I wanted to playtest it I noticed the above and....fuck.  But! It's not that bad to be honest. I'm going to be uploading a save file with the next build that will start you guys at the beginning of chapter 1.  Those of you who don't want to play it from the start can use my save file and everyone else can just go about their day without worry. 

Thanks again for reading :D, check back again next week for another one of these bad boys. 

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